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Amedeo Gennarelli Bronze Sculptures & Bronze Figures

Amedeo Gennarelli (1881-1943) was a famous Italian Art-déco-sculptor. He is known for his nude female figures. Gennarelli was born in 1881 in Naples, Italy. 

Naples is after Rome and Milan the third most populous city of Italy. This place in the mid-east has a long and eventful history that is characterized by foreign rule and oppression. Especially in museums or sights this varied history becomes perceptible.

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Amedeo Gennarelli (1881-1943)

Amedeo Gennarelli (1881-1943) was a famous Italian Art-déco-sculptor. He is known for his nude female figures. Gennarelli was born in 1881 in Naples, Italy. Naples is after Rome and Milan the third most populous city of Italy. This place in the mid-east has a long and eventful history that is characterized by foreign rule and oppression. Especially in museums or sights this varied history becomes perceptible.

Amedeo Gennarelli (1881-1943)

was a famous Italian Art-déco-sculptor. He is known for his nude female figures. Gennarelli was born in 1881 in Naples, Italy. 

Naples is after Rome and Milan the third most populous city of Italy. This place in the mid-east has a long and eventful history that is characterized by foreign rule and oppression. Especially in museums or sights this varied history becomes perceptible.

The life of Amedeo Gennarelli

In 1909 he immigrated to France, where he met with the great sculptors and artists of the period. In 1913 he exhibited its beautiful Marble Female Nude at the "Salon des Artistes Francais", where he exhibited regularly until 1936. 

Gennarelli made his first steps for an artistic career in the city Naples. But later he moved to Paris in France to continue his education and to devote himself to the trends of Modern Art, developing at the turn of the century. Paris was the ideal starting point to pay attention to the avant-garde. A lot of painters, sculptors and graphic artists visited the city at the river Seine to take part in the development of the new arts. Amedeo increasingly dedicated himself to the Art déco and already exhibited his first works in the Salon of the Société des Artistes Français in 1913.

Influences on his works

Dieser Berufsverband der französischen Maler und Bildhauer wurde in Paris gegründet und präsentiert bis heute die Werke seiner Mitglieder. Als der erste Präsident der Sozietät, der Maler William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825 - 1905), 1890 vorschlug, den Salon weniger bekannten jungen Künstlern zu widmen, um ihnen eine erste Plattform zu bieten, kam es zu einem Zerwürfnis mit den etablierten Mitgliedern des Verbandes wie Auguste Rodin (1840 - 1917) und Pierre Puvis de Chavannes (1824 - 1898), die daraufhin ihren eigenen Verband gründeten und weiterhin eigene Werke in den Salons ausstellten. 

Die hochästhetischen Skulpturen von Gennarelli sind im Stil des Art deco entworfen. Die Merkmale dieser Epoche, die zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts entstand, sind uneinheitlich und vielgestaltig, da sie von mehreren Strömungen beeinflusst sind. Verbreitet sind geometrische Formen, plakative flächige Ornamente und florale Motive. Bei Gennarelli finden sich vor allem erotische und athletische Verarbeitungen dieser Themen, wie man an seinen Figuren The Carrier Pigeon und Towards Destiny besonders gut erkennen kann. 

Der italienisch-französische Künstler starb 1943 im Alter von 62 Jahren in Paris.